KinderSpirit Wildflowers
Our Wildflowers room offers your child learning opportunities through experiential child-led activities. We know from experience and education that children are most supported in their growth when the are offered open-ended materials that ignite their imagination.
Ms. Kristine, or CheeChee, as a lot of the kids like to call her, is the lead preschool teacher and brings with her a magical gift of storytelling, art expression, early literacy and math, as well as science and social emotional well being. With our Lifeways and Waldorf influences of creative open-ended play kindergarten readiness is easily achieved without the need for route teaching. We are very excited to be offering this type of relationship care that readies our children for their future learning in public or private school.
Our preschool community is for children ages 28 months to kindergarten. If you would like your kinder to have one more year of play we offer that too!
Contact us for questions and inquiries.
Click here to read more about the kids nourishment and rhythm at our school.
you can do it!